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Is clonazepam prescribed in the uk. It had failed in several cases, it had been withdrawn and many doctors had been prosecuted. Then it was found that in a small number of patients high percentage had experienced "faintness in the head" (or other unusual symptoms, not considered to be related dementia) - and these patients had the exact same brain scan findings as the people who had been taking clonazepam for two weeks, but not taken the medicine for last four consecutive years - because the people who had been taking the medicine for last four years had lost the ability to make clonazepam from the liver. After the news of brain scan, European Medicines Agency (EMA), which is part of the European Union and is responsible for regulating medicines, said that it had no plans to impose any requirements on the manufacturer of thioridazine. It said would be up to regulators in individual countries decide if such a review was needed. However, a letter which went to the EMA in February, from UK's chief medical officer, Dr James Eadie, said that the study by Dr Kornreich and colleagues had best drugstore eye cream for dark circles and puffiness made him "very concerned that the risk of drug causing an adverse reaction must be weighed against the potential benefits" of these benefits. "While there is not scientific evidence so far to show thioridazine causes amnesia, for those patients with a long history of thioridazine with few other adverse effects, or for patients on a low dose of the drug, amnesia may be of concern," he said. Dr Eadie has written to the EMA for clarity on issue and asked it to consider its responsibilities. He called for the agency to review data and consider the issue. Dr David Smith, from the UK Drugs Information Service, Adderall for sale dublin said: "Many doctors have tried it out and some of them have had serious side-effects. It cannot do what it's supposed to do, so it can't give people anything like the quality they would have with a normal sleep aid." "That it doesn't do what it's supposed to doesn't even enter Dr Eadie's mind when deciding whether to prescribe it," he said. "There are probably only two or three places in the world which actually make this drug in the right amount and correct dose. That's why we need to make sure everybody is protected." Doctors who prescribe sleeping tablets are under a legal duty of care to people who use them and must act with reasonable care to prevent any harm. However, they do not have to inform patients that thioridazine has not been rigorously tested for safety and that the drugs regulator in UK does not consider the drug suitable for general use. The legal duty of care depends partly on whether the doctor knew of potential risk using thioridazine and partly on the degree of care he showed in recommending that it never had been used in the patient's lifetime or any period where dementia has been experienced. Dr Smith said: "It's almost certainly a medical fact that sleep medicines are not used correctly and they're being wrong." A report, published by the Royal Pharmaceutical Society, concluded that the long-term safety of thioridazine should be evaluated and that an urgent review ought to take place assess the benefits and harms of drugs. Dr Eadie said the UK government had not agreed to a meeting which would have discussed this with him. There will be an investigation which examine the "fatal flaws" in Dr Kornreich's study, he said. However, some people have expressed concerns about the thioride issue, as thioridazine is a long-term sleep drug which is only used for its potential usefulness in treating mild to moderate sleep symptoms, and for its potential adverse effect on memory rather than sleep quality, even when the patient has a history of having tried it. Some people feel that they may have received the same type of treatment as Dr Kornreich's patients without any of the warning signs. Another possible reason is that the researchers used very latest technique in brain scan studies to assess the effects of thioridazine - method, which has been used for more than a decade, has greater sensitivity to detecting changes in brain structure than methods used previously Buy adderall medication to measure changes in memory.